Love Supplies – Video

The faithful words in a tender song show the assurance we have in the power of Love to supply us with our every need: Speak to me, still, small voice. Thou hearest all my prayers, Thou hearest all my prayers. Speak to me, still, small voice. Thou knowest all my needs, Thou knowest all my […]

Never parted from joy – Video

When our loved ones pass on, it can be hard.  Here is a poem I wrote titled – Never parted from joy They say, “gone but not forgotten” But there’s more that is really true. When a loved one, friend or stranger Says, “goodbye” to you. We weep and mourn and feel sorrow Longing for […]

Don’t let anyone get your goat – Video

If we let someone or something annoy, irritate or anger us, we must realize our goat is our most valuable possession…It’s important to keep a steady thought and to not react in anger to outside variables. Reaction is critically different than responding. So where does the power and presence of Divine Love fit in here?  […]

Love at the helm – video

Wherever we find our self – on land, or sea or sky -we want to feel secure that we are protected and safe.  Depending on our level of experience, this could mean different things to different people.  For myself, I had never been on a sailboat until later in my life so it’s been quite […]

Aloha – video

The most important aspect in our life is our spiritual growth and our relationships should support and nurture this growth. Although, as Shakespeare has said in As you like it, “Sweet are the uses of adversity.” Whether we find our self in a healthy relationship, or not, we are constantly growing Spiritward.  Shakespeare ends the […]

Hope – video

Come join me on this video blog entitled “Hope”.  It takes place on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Hope isn’t a 50-50 chance.  It’s something much more than that. “As a drop of water is one with the ocean, a ray of light one with the sun, even so God and man, Father and […]

23rd Psalm blesses us – video

Come with me in this video blog to Zion National Park, Utah – from the deep gorge of The Narrows along Wall Street a six mile upstream trek within the Virgin River and six miles back, and all the way up to Angels Landing – with Divine Love as my Shepherd, comforting me with Love’s […]

To become as a little child – video

“Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea.” This sentence comes from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy 323: 32   Time spent with children is time well spent for we learn from them. I like […]

Happy holidays – video

This is my introductory video blog post for my website  I am a Journal-listed Christian Science Practitioner.  This means that I work full-time to serve patients who desire support in their prayer with Christian Science treatment.  Trusting that Divine Love is present and powerful, I am available year round as a friend and helper […]

Freedom from fear of volunteering in prison

By Marsha Pecaut June 25, 2015 – Living Christian Science Today To share Christian Science with those in correctional institutions and help them witness to the power of Christ-healing is important work. But how does one have the courage to engage in this kind of outreach? If we feel led to volunteer as a prison […]