Don’t let anyone get your goat – Video

If we let someone or something annoy, irritate or anger us, we must realize our goat is our most valuable possession…It’s important to keep a steady thought and to not react in anger to outside variables. Reaction is critically different than responding. So where does the power and presence of Divine Love fit in here?  Isn’t this why we have the First Commandment in the Old Testament of the Bible…Thou shalt have no other gods before Me? (KJV Exodus 20: 3)

Click on photo to start video

We’ve been reminded that God is this Me, Spirit, or divine Love, our only Mind and God commands us not to have or bow down to any other material gods such as people, places or things that would seem to “get our goat”.  This commandment is not a request, but a command, because our dear Father-Mother, God, loves us and knows what is best for us and so gives guidance and protection.  “We love God, because He first loved us.”  (KJV I John 4: 19)

In both the Old and New Testament, we are told to love God with all our heart, and soul (Deuteronomy 11: 13), and (Christ Jesus continues) with all our mind and follows with the second great commandment – to love our neighbor as our self. (KJV Matt 22: 37-39) We are capable of doing this because it’s man’s response to God’s ability. Made in the image and likeness of Divine Love, Love is the law of our being. We can respond with Divine Love and remember Love heals us.

Related Published Journal article
Nothing can get you goat’


  1. Laurette Robbins says

    Marsha: I thought that this was WONDERFUL. Where were you
    that the goats were there? It is a challenge to NOT LET “goats”
    get to one. I do find it difficult NOT to react when others get
    to me. But I will try to do better about that in the future.

    with LOVE and appreciation of your “LOVE HEALS US”
    videos. Laurette

    • Marsha Pecaut says

      Thank you, Laurette! I’m so happy you liked the message. Believe me, we all are challenged about reacting. I’ve been trying to have this little kid goat remind me not to react. Our pure motive to try and catch ourselves and correct it is powerful. Step by step Love leads the way.

    • thank you Marsha and Bill! Love what you are doing!!

      • Marsha Pecaut says

        Thank you, Sandy, for writing. I’m very grateful for your support and hope you will share this website and it’s message with others.

  2. Cathryn Rathsam says

    Love it! Darling photo too! You should submit this as a “spiritual short”.
    Love, Cathryn

    • Marsha Pecaut says

      Thank you, Cathryn. I’m going to follow up on your suggestion.
      I appreciate your support and helpful comment.

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