23rd Psalm blesses us – video

Come with me in this video blog to Zion National Park, Utah – from the deep gorge of The Narrows along Wall Street a six mile upstream trek within the Virgin River and six miles back, and all the way up to Angels Landing – with Divine Love as my Shepherd, comforting me with Love’s rod and Love’s staff.

The following is Psalm 23 from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. These are the emphatic last words of her text before the Glossary.


[DIVINE LOVE ] is my shepherd; I shall not want.

[LOVE] maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
[LOVE] leadeth me beside the still waters.

[LOVE] restoreth my soul [spiritual sense]: [LOVE] lead‐
eth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of
death, I will fear no evil: for [LOVE] is with me; [LOVE’S]
rod and [LOVE’S] staff they comfort me.

[LOVE] prepareth a table before me in the presence of
mine enemies: [LOVE] anointeth my head with oil; my cup
runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of
my life; and I will dwell in the house [the consciousness]
of [LOVE] for ever.
(S&H 578)


  1. Thanks Marsha. I have often substituted someone’s name in passages, but never considered doing it with this most wonderful psalm. Inspired and inspiring.

    • Marsha Pecaut says

      So good to hear from you, Susan! It’s wonderful that ideas worth sharing bless everyone involved. I love the saying that goes somewhat… our consciousness is like a parachute; it’s only good when it is open. Listening to the one Mind, God, brings fresh ideas to fruition and we recognize healing.

  2. Catherine Crossman says

    Thank you, Marcia. What a lovely way to pray for someone. I hadn’t seen that before. Love, Cat

    • Marsha Pecaut says

      Thank you for taking your time to write, Cat. Isn’t it fun to see things in new ways? A Psalm we have heard repeatedly can bring fresh inspiration when perceived in a new light. Seeing our self and dear ones as the Creator, Divine Love, knows us, rekindles our recognition of the divine within.

  3. Perfect with the Zion pictures!

    • Marsha Pecaut says

      Now it’s your opportunity, Kim.
      Go to Zion and let the dear shepherding of Divine Love lead you, whether you are down in the riverbed or up on the top of Angels Landing.
      It is truly one of the most inspirational places I have visited.

  4. Thanks, Marsha–inspiring Psalm, inspiring scenery! Best wishes.

    • Marsha Pecaut says

      So happy to hear from you, David. Your comment reminds me of a favorite sentence of mine from Mrs. Eddy, “Love inspires,
      illumines, designates, and leads the way.” S&H 454: 18-19 How perfect for this 23rd Psalm and for each of those who have commented.

  5. Thanks Marsha, this is just beautiful. Our Bible text at Oak Creek on Sunday was Ps 23, so beautifully presented in last week’s lesson. John had the girls read from KJV, NLT, and S&H with “Love” substituted for “Lord.” This led to some good discussion and insights. I love your suggestion to substitute a name for “me, my, and I!” We’ll definitely pass that along to the girls and I know it will be helpful. They are always searching for better ways to pray for family and substituting a person’s name will make for holy and powerful prayer!

    • Marsha Pecaut says

      I’m so grateful that you have kept volunteering in institutional services, Ellen and John!
      Thank you for your deep love for God and for these youth that are “hungering and thirsting for righteousness”.
      Bill and I miss participating in that wonderful outreach.
      Please let us all know what the girls’ comments are.

  6. Peace-filled ideas here – thank you Marsha.
    That cute little chipmunk at the end of the video must have felt the Love too!

    • Marsha Pecaut says

      Yes, Jobina, it was quite something to have an unexpected friend arrive at that elevation!
      He was my little angel gift from our Father-Mother, Love, and I couldn’t make this video without showing everyone how we are so blessed even in small ways. Discipline brings results and the secret is to acknowledge these gifts, and to be grateful. Then we are ready to receive more of Love’s Shepherding.
      Thanks so much for writing! Marsha

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