I have a fun video for you today. Get your kids together and join our Sunday school class to learn The Ten Commandments with us. You can find them in the Bible, from Moses, in Exodus 20: 3-17. Come along and take a ride on the Ten Commandment Boat. Sometimes pirates think bad thoughts to […]
The Ten Commandment Boat.
To defeat and prevent bullying

To read my latest article go to this week’s May 22, 2017 Sentinel “To defeat and prevent bullying” In this week’s Christian Science Bible lesson the story of Nehemiah teaches us the effectiveness of being alert and courageous to face down the suggestions of evil with the understanding of the power and presence of the […]
God is Love fountain – Video

“God is Love”. The water gently fell as I reflected on this idea. These words are in the Bible in the book of I John. They are also found in the book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, where in the chapter on Prayer it reads, “God is Love.” […]
To follow Jesus RAP – Video

Rap N roll some slammin’ words. (Move over Grandpa! Marsha Pecaut’s n Da hood!) My new video blog post is on www.Loveheals.us Who says we can’t be healed or heal others? Let’s follow the Word of JC, the Master. To follow Jesus, the Way-shower Is not a matter of when… but how “Continue in […]